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Styled table with advanced sorting

This example uses the plugin DataTables:

6 entries found
John Doe Jul 5, 2011 Enabled User Client Valid Edit
John Appleseed Jul 5, 2011 Enabled Non-verified Edit
Sheldon Cooper Jul 4, 2011 Enabled User Valid Edit
Rage Guy Jun 25, 2011 Enabled Fake Edit
Thomas A. Anderson Jun 16, 2011 Enabled User Client Valid Edit
Jane Doe May 19, 2011 Enabled User Client Edit
John Doe Jul 5, 2011 Enabled User Client Valid Edit
John Appleseed Jul 5, 2011 Enabled Non-verified Edit
Sheldon Cooper Jul 4, 2011 Enabled User Valid Edit
Rage Guy Jun 25, 2011 Enabled Fake Edit

Styled table with simple sorting

Simple sorting and manual controls if you prefer to handle the table output server-side:

Tip: try clicking on a row to show an extra line style!

Show 40 entries
Text Date Status Tags Actions
6 entries found
John Doe Jul 5, 2011 Enabled User Client Valid Edit Put offline Review Put to trash Delete
John Appleseed Jul 5, 2011 Enabled Non-verified Edit Put offline Review Put to trash Delete
Sheldon Cooper Jul 4, 2011 Enabled User Valid Edit Put offline Review Put to trash Delete
Rage Guy Jun 25, 2011 Enabled Fake Edit Put offline Review Put to trash Delete
Thomas A. Anderson Jun 16, 2011 Enabled User Client Valid Edit Put offline Review Put to trash Delete
Jane Doe May 19, 2011 Enabled User Client Edit Put offline Review Put to trash Delete

Simple table

Contact Date Status Tags Actions
6 entries found
John Doe
Jul 5, 2011 Enabled User Client Valid Edit
John Appleseed
Jul 5, 2011 Enabled Non-verified Edit
Sheldon Cooper
Jul 4, 2011 Enabled User Valid Edit
Rage Guy
Jun 25, 2011 Enabled Fake Edit
Thomas A. Anderson
Jun 16, 2011 Enabled User Client Valid Edit
Jane Doe
May 19, 2011 Enabled User Client Edit